- Filterstärke: 20 mm
- Filterklasse : G4
- Temperaturbeständigkeit bis 90 C°
- Nenndurchströmgeschwindigkeit 1,5 m/s
- Anfangsdruckdifferenz 25 Pa
- Acrilyc poyester medium
- Standardtest nach : EN779:2012
- ISO 16890 –according PM10 PM2.5 PM1
- EN1822 – Standard test for filters classified E, H and U
- ISO 14644-1 Clean rooms classification
- Vapours and gases treatment
- Adsorption table for major compounds
- De-dusting systems – General information
Filtermatte :
- Synthetic rolls and panels
- Glass fiber rolls and panels dry
- Glass fiber rolls and panels moistened
- Spray booth rolls and panels
- Flat cells
- Pleated cells
- High temperature cells
- Z-line cells
- Flat metal cells
- Pleated metal cells
- Pleated cells cardboard frame
- Special cells for gas turbine
- Anti-grease cells
- Filterstärke: 20 mm
- Filterklasse : G4
- Temperaturbeständigkeit bis 90 C°
- Nenndurchströmgeschwindigkeit 1,5 m/s
- Anfangsdruckdifferenz 25 Pa
- Acrilyc poyester medium
- Standardtest nach : EN779:2012
- ISO 16890 –according PM10 PM2.5 PM1
- EN1822 – Standard test for filters classified E, H and U
- ISO 14644-1 Clean rooms classification
- Vapours and gases treatment
- Adsorption table for major compounds
- De-dusting systems – General information
Filtermatte :
- Synthetic rolls and panels
- Glass fiber rolls and panels dry
- Glass fiber rolls and panels moistened
- Spray booth rolls and panels
- Flat cells
- Pleated cells
- High temperature cells
- Z-line cells
- Flat metal cells
- Pleated metal cells
- Pleated cells cardboard frame
- Special cells for gas turbine
- Anti-grease cells